Eglinton & Croham

Toronto, Ontario

A proposed 8-storey mixed-use building with 141 purpose-built rental units, retail space fronting Eglinton Avenue West and a public plaza immediately adjacent to the Caledonia LRT station.

The comprehensive development of this block was considered a pilot project by the City of Toronto, where-in 9 Croham and 6 Sanderstead were designated as ‘Neighbourhood Transition Area’ (through the Eglinton Connects Planning Study) allowing for their use as a laneway part of a mixed-use development fronting Eglinton. The project is approved and currently under construction.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by SUPERKUL INC., thinc design


South-West Corner Audley Rd. & Kingston Rd.

Ajax, Ontario

The Subject Site is located at 537 KINGSTON ROAD in Ajax. TBG was retained to seek Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Approval, and CLOCA and TRCA approval for a warehouse development located in the Town of Ajax.

The proposed development consists of a one-storey warehouse building with a total GFA of 112,792m2 (including 51,200 S.F. of office space) and a site coverage of ~40%. A total of 616 surface parking spaces and an additional 285 Trailer Staging Positions are proposed.

The project involves the establishment of development limits with both the TRCA and CLOCA, restoring an existing wetland and partially constructing a public road. ZBLA has been achieved and site grading has commenced.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd.


110 -112 Sheppard Ave West

Toronto, Ontario

The Subject Site is located on the north side of Sheppard Avenue West, approximately 450m west of Yonge Street, and approximately 75m East of Quilter Road. TBG reviewed the in-force planning policies affecting the subject site and assisted in the development and refinement of the current development proposal; which consists of a 6-storey mixed-use, mid-rise building with 30 residential units, and 2 storeys of below parking. The ZBLA and OPA applications have been approved; NoAC has been issued for the Site Plan application.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Options Architects


Gordon & Scadding

Fieldgate Homes

Whitby, Ontario

TBG was to facilitate Site Plan Approval of a 74 Unit Common Element Condominium Townhouse development on the western portion of the Lands. The eastern portion of the lands is to be developed with three 6–storey buildings comprised of Senior Apartments and Assisted /Independent Support Living Units. The Townhouses have been constructed and the Senior’s buildings are Site Plan approved.  

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Global Architect Inc. & The Biglieri Group Ltd.



Fallis Line, Cavan Monaghan

CSU Developments

Residential Development

TBG was retained by CSU Developments Inc., to seek local Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-Law Amendments as well as a Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications for the lands located west of County Road 10 at 787 and 825 Fallis Line, and the lands located at the Southeast Corner of Fallis Line and County Road 10, in the Township of Cavan Monaghan.  The proposal for the lands west of County Road 10 is for a development of the site for a residential subdivision including 375 residential units, 146 townhouse dwellings, a 1.09ha mixed-use block, and a 1.27ha parkland block. The proposal for the lands east of County Road 10 is for a mixed-use commercial/residential development including a 1.07ha mixed-use block at the corner of County Road 10 and Fallis Line as well as 130 single-detached residential units and 56 townhouse dwellings. Applications are under review.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by TBG

2425 Eglinton Ave East

Toronto, Ontario

The Subject Site is located at the southeast corner of Kennedy Road and Eglinton Avenue East. The proposed development comprises a 35-storey high-rise tower with a 6-storey mixed-use podium. The proposal includes at-grade retail spaces fronting Eglinton Avenue East and Kennedy Road. In total 100 parking spaces are provided across two levels of underground parking. Loading and garbage pickup facilities are also offered via the laneway and integrated into the building façade. The ZBLA and SPA application for this file is currently under review with the City of Toronto.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Icon, & The Biglieri Group Ltd.

Oshawa Harbour LTD. Partnership

80 Harbour Road
Oshawa, Ontario

The Subject Site is located at 80 Harbour Road in the City of Oshawa, on the north side of Harbour Road, east of Simcoe Street South and north of the former Oshawa Marina. TBG was retained to seek a site-specific Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment in order to facilitate a high-density mixed-use development in the form of two high-rise residential buildings connected by a 1-storey mixed-use podium containing a publicly accessible second-storey central courtyard accessed from Harbour Road by a grand staircase and publicly accessible elevator. The OPA and ZBA have been approved, and a Site Plan Application is in process.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by Wayne Long Architect, Studio TLA


Liverpool & Highway 401


Tribute (Liverpool) Limited
Pickering, Ontario

The Subject Site is located in the City of Pickering, west of Liverpool Road and north of Highway 401. The current proposal consists of a mixed-use development featuring at-grade commercial, retail and childcare use, with residential units above. The development will feature three towers (46-storeys, 53-storeys, and 49-storeys in height) connected by a 6-storey podium. Per the previous plan, parking is provided through a combination of surface-level parking, below-grade parking, and podium-level parking. The ZBLA application for this file has been approved and the Site Plan remains under review.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by IBI


65 Athabasca Street

Oshawa, Ontario

The Subject Site is located at the northwestern corner of Athabasca Street and Winter Avenue in Oshawa. The proposed draft plan of subdivision transforms the former and now vacant Forestview Public School Site into an 89-unit development comprised of single-detached, semi-detached and townhouse units. The individual lots and blocks will be accessed by Athabasca Street and Winter Avenue, as well as a new public road that connects to Winter Avenue in the north. The Zoning By-Law Application and Draft Plan of Subdivision for this file are currently under review with the City of Oshawa.

Select Plans and Drawings provided by RN Designs and The Biglieri Group Ltd. 


2484 Conlin & Anderson

Whitby, Ontario

The Subject Site is located in the south end of the Brooklin community in Whitby.  The approved Draft Plan represents half of the Brooklin South neighbourhood with low-rise residential dwellings and mixed-use buildings. In total, the plan consists of 253 single detached, 42 semi-detached, 10 freehold townhouses, 382 condominium townhouses, and 253 units within the mixed-use blocks. The plan also contains over 25 ha of Natural Heritage lands, a 1.6 ha Local Park and future trails, along with two stormwater management ponds.

Select Plan provided by The Biglieri Group Ltd. 

Devils Den

Whitby, Ontario

A proposed 18-hole golf course, is located at 745 Winchester Road West, Whitby.

 The proposed golf course contains a clubhouse and banquet hall, 1813m2 in size, located along the northern portion of the property. The project involved the establishment of development limits with CLOCA. OPA and ZBA applications have been approved to permit the proposed use at the site. Site Plan Approval is currently ongoing.

 Drawings provided by Carrick Design Inc.