Fallis Line, Cavan Monaghan
CSU Developments
Residential Development
TBG was retained by CSU Developments Inc., to seek local Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-Law Amendments as well as a Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications for the lands located west of County Road 10 at 787 and 825 Fallis Line, and the lands located at the Southeast Corner of Fallis Line and County Road 10, in the Township of Cavan Monaghan. The proposal for the lands west of County Road 10 is for a development of the site for a residential subdivision including 375 residential units, 146 townhouse dwellings, a 1.09ha mixed-use block, and a 1.27ha parkland block. The proposal for the lands east of County Road 10 is for a mixed-use commercial/residential development including a 1.07ha mixed-use block at the corner of County Road 10 and Fallis Line as well as 130 single-detached residential units and 56 townhouse dwellings. Applications are under review.
Select Plans and Drawings provided by TBG